2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003
04. Feb-31. März

Strictly Berlin
Video, Performances, Installations, Documentations, Music, Multimedia, Stills, Paintings and Objects from the first 6 years of 3.Millennium

VIDEODOKUMENTATION:Vernissage, Ausstellung, Videos

Curators Heiko Daxl und Ingeborg Fülepp (dafü®) - mediainmotion.de

07. April-13. May

Andreas Hensel

ad(d)s CIRCUS (Cordinos World)

02.June-11. June

Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag


15. June - 28. June

glück Espejo del Mundo

Curated by Mercedes Estarellas

21. October - 18. November

Zohar Kaniel


2. Dezember - 21. Dezember
Multistandart (only German Version)

German-French festival

Curators: N. Manenti, M. Brants